- Kevin Chang
- Jiawei Han
- Marianne Winslett
- ChengXiang Zhai
- Saurabh Sinha
- Aditya Parameswaran
- Jian Peng
- Hari Sundaram
- Dan Roth
- Yongjoo Park
Affiliate Faculty
- Catherine Blake, Graduate School of Library & Information Sciences
- Bertram Ludascher, Graduate School of Library & Information Sciences
- Bruce Schatz, Medical Information Science
- Victoria Stodden, Graduate School of Library Information Sciences
- Shaowen Wang, Geography and Geographic Information Science
- Ouri Wolfson, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois Chicago
Faculty Assistant
Allison Mette
Siebel Center Room 2106,
(217) 300-6645
Graduate Students
The DAIS group includes approximately 60 graduate students.
Students of Prof. Parameswaran:
Yihan Gao
Silu Huang
Stephen Macke
Sajjadur Rahman
Tarique Siddiqui
Tana Wattanawaroon
Liqi Xu
Students of Prof. Sundaram:
Suhansanu Kumar
Subham De
Ziang Xiao
Kanika Narang
Himel Dev
Adit Krishnan
The following DAIS graduate students are listed on the web pages for individual research projects.
Students of Prof. Han
Students of Prof. Zhai
Students of Prof. Sinha
Students of Prof. Chang
Students of Prof. Peng
PhD Alumni and First Employment
- Jingjing Wang, Google
- Jialu Liu, Google Research NYC
- Dae Hoon Park, Yahoo Research
- Mingjie Qian, Yahoo Labs
- Yuan Fang, Research Staff, A*Star, Singapore
- Mianwei Zhou, Research Staff, Yahoo! Labs
- Xiao Yu, Research Scientist, Google
- Marina Danilevsky, Research Scientist, IBM Almaden Research Center
- Quanquan Gu, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
- Chi Wang, Researcher, Microsoft Research
- Hongning Wang, University of Virginia
- Yanen Li, LinkedIn
- Manish Gupta, Microsoft Bing
- Tim Weninger, Assistant Professor, Notre Dame
- Ming Ji
- Lu An Tang
- Vinod Vydiswaran
- Rui Li, Research Staff, Yahoo! Labs
- Huizhong Duan, WalmartLabs
- Parikshit Sondhi, WalmartLabs
- Kavita Ganesan, 3M
- Hyun Duk Kim, Twitter
- Maryam Karimzadehgan, Google Research
- Duo Zhang, Twitter
- Yuanhua Lv, Microsoft Research
- Peixiang Zhao, Assistant Professor, Florida State University
- Yizhou Sun, Assistant Professor, Northeastern University
- Zhenhui Li, Assistant Professor, Penn State University
- Bo Zhao, Researcher, Microsoft Research
- Bolin Ding, Researcher, Microsoft Research
- Xin Jin, Research Scientist, Paypal, EBay, Inc.
- Cindy Xide Lin, Software Engineer, Twitter, Inc.
- Zhijun Yin, Software Engineer, Twitter, Inc.
- V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, Postdoc at UIUC
- Yue Lu, Twitter
- Alexander Kotov, Emory University
- Tao Cheng, Researcher, Microsoft Research, redmond
- Jing Gao, Assitant Professor, University at Buffalo
- Sangkyum Kim, Researcher at CAT, Champaign, IL
- Tianyi Wu, Microsoft
- Younhee Ko, Chemical Engineering, UIUC
- Jaebum Kim, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Animal Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Korea
- Xu Ling, Google
- Bin Tan, Amazon
- Xuanhui Wang, Yahoo!
- Qiaozhu Mei, University of Michigan
- Deng Cai, Associate Professor, Zhejiang Univ., China
- Chen Chen, Technical staff, Google
- Feida Zhu, Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University
- Xin He, Postdoctoral Researcher Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California at San Francisco
- Ragib Hasan, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Hong Cheng, Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Xiaolei Li, Microsoft
- Hector Gonzalez, Google
- Azadeh Shakery, University of Tehran
- Jing Jiang, Singapore Management University
- Chao Liu, Microsoft
- Dong Xin, Microsoft
- Xiaoxin Yin, Microsoft
- Hui Fang, Ohio State University, now University of Delaware
- Tao Tao, Microsoft
- Xuehua Shen, Google
- Xifeng Yan, Assistant Professor, UCSB
- Charis Ermopoulos, Google
- Seung-Won Hwang, Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Hwanjo Yu 2004, Assistant Professor, U of Iowa
- Jonghyun Lee, Argonne National Laboratory
- Xiaosong Ma, North Carolina State University
- Ting Yu, North Carolina State University
- Yong Cho, Network Appliances
- Szu-wen Kuo, Oracle
- Ying Chen, IBM Almaden Research Center
- Eric R. Hughes, Mitre
- Vicki E. Jones, North Carolina State University
- Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University
- Vania Vidal, Universidade Federal do Ceara
- Tim S.-C. Chou, National Taiwan University
- Ken Smith, Mitre
- S. Iris Chu, Microsoft