Please send your relevant news items to
(April 2017) – Aditya Parameswaran receives the Technical Committee of Data Engineering (TCDE) Early Career Award!
(April 2017) – Aditya Parameswaran receives an NSF CAREER award in Advancing Open-Ended Crowdsourcing!
(January 2017) – Silu Huang receives the Microsoft Research Fellowship!
(October 2016) – Yizhou Sun receives the Distinguished Alumni Educator award of the Computer Science Department at UIUC.
(September 2016) – Xiang Ren is listed as the 3rd KDD Rising Star by Microsoft Academic Search.
(March 2016) – Xiang Ren is announced as one of the 52 Google Global PhD Fellows (25 in North America), and the sole winner in Structured Data and Database Management.